Monday, June 22, 2009


pt school is undergrad on crack. i had quite the week, last week, navigating how to get to school, bringing the right texts, wearing the right clothes, bringing enough food, getting access to a bike cage, working out students loans, oh, and then i was learning stuff all week, too. whew. the weekend was a tiny bit of a catch up, but not as much as i would have liked. grad school = intense.

i had 8 hours of class today. that's a lot of class. it was also ALL anatomy. so gloria, my cadaver, and i got to spend a lot of quality time together today. it was mostly good. sometimes stinky. other times incredibly stinky.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The first steps to becoming a physical therapist.

It's 3 pm on a Saturday. Can you guess where I am? Usually this question has a million potential answers, however, from here on out, I think that there will be a 80% chance that my whereabouts will be consistent at any given time/day of the week: I'll either be at UCSF or SFSU in class, or I'll be at the UCSF library. I'm at the library right now. I am sitting facing a giant window that looks out over the Sunset, Golden Gate Park, and beyond to the Golden Gate Bridge. The view is absolutely stunning.

I am here to focus, which I have been doing for a good while now. But, now I need a little break, so here I am to update you on my personal progress towards a DPT degree. Firstly, I've thrown out a few acronyms. Allow me to introduce you to some of my new vernacular: UCSF = University of California at San Francisco; SFSU = San Francisco State University; DPT = Doctorate of Physical Therapy. That's right folks, I'll be Dr. Manley soon enough. (Actually, I don't think that I'll ever have anyone call me that, but it's fun to say that I might.)

A.D.D. kicked in here. I think I tried to study again for a while. Then I left.

My weekend schedule ended up looking a lot like this:
Friday afternoon: left school at 5pm, drinks with Megan 6pm
Friday night: passed out by 9:30pm watching a movie
Saturday morning: awake and studying 7:45am - 9am, breakfast 9-10am
Saturday Library study time: 11am - 5pm.
Saturday evening: Dinner out
Sunday morning: date with the NYtimes 9am - 11am, study 11am - 12pm
Sunday afternoon: haircut by Megan :) Frameline film festival movie viewing in the Castro
Sunday evening: Megan labored 2.5 hours making my Mom's lasagna with her homemade sauce while I studied and took a take home quiz.

I mean, I had some time to be human, but that study schedule is a little ridiculous, no?