The Trek began May 12th only hours after Mother's Day. This is not the gift that many women of children wish to receive on such a holiday, however, my muu-muu, the name I use to affectionately refer to Mrs. Terri Manley, took it mostly in stride. (right?) My best friend from this last year at college and my co-captain of my final season as a Hodawg, Robin Wertheim, joined me as my co-pilot. We went to breakfast Monday morning with my Father and his employees, Aaron and Kelli, as well as my muu-muu, and my grandparents. After the delectable meal that J Christopher's had to offer, the journey was to begin. Robin and I said our goodbyes...well, I said my most gut-wrenching goodbyes to my beloved family, in particular, my loving parental units who managed to gracefully support this big move/decision in my life. With tears still on my face, I pulled out of the parking lot, car loaded, map in (Robin's) hand.
DAY 1 Origin: Alpharetta, GA Destination: St. Louis, MO
I tearfully began our drive on that first fateful day. We meandered through some back roads that I hardly remember even seeing as I quelled the anxious excitement rising in my belly. We made it to I-75 unscathed. The drive along I-75 N isn't really all that exciting, in case you haven't ever
traveled it before. It's beautiful through Tennessee and the green mountains, but that soon fades into Kentucky boringness. So this picture kind of sums up what we were looking at for some of this part of the ride. I think that I would be much more fascinated by the beauty of this area if I were not from the south, however, being as I am (and Robin being included in this as well) we didn't take too many photos of the surrounding area. The Altima, my vehicle of travel, started the trip with a wonderful tune up to the tune (hehe) of $550. Though I was chastised by my cousin, Colby, with his expertise in this area, the Altima managed VERY well throughout the entire trip.
The Trek continued through Kentucky and up into Illinois. Robin and I managed to throw a disc in EVERY state. In Illinois, we had to throw in the car since we didn't actually make any stops. [Pictured]
We finally made it into Missouri and into the city of St. Louis as the sun was headed down. Robin was uber excited about seeing the St. Louis arch, "it's the Gateway to the West after all," she said, "You HAVE to visit it before you move out West." We both figured that we should check it out. As we drove through the city on to Webster Groves, where we would be staying that evening, we drove right past the arch and couldn't help but oooh and ahh and take a few snapshots.
We were staying that evening with my Dad's friend from college, Jim Wolterman, who is also a landscape architect. We met at his beautiful home in Webster Groves. The house was built in 1904. It was amazing. Jim, his wife, Kim, and their daughter, Katie, immediately invited us in and took us to dinner! (They had been without power for the last 33 hours and just got it back about 30 mins before we arrived.)
Oh man oh man, I'm so jealous of your custard eating right now. Texture sounds like pudding and we all know about my pudding obsession..
Yay for graduating, heading out west, and starting a blog! But you'd better still send me a personal email every once in awhile.
Life here is busy busy with lots of work stuff and exploring. I hung out with some hippos yesterday. Dinner and beers with friends after a giant African rainstorm last night. I love you!
J, your blog is great, thx for keeping us up to date. Let us know how 'nationals' went. luv you and miss you Aunt T
Jessica! I love that you have a blog...very cool. When you see our friend Russ, give him a HUGE hug from me. And tell him to give YOU one, too. From me. :)
Keep the trek coming...great to hear of your adventures and see pics. I'm jealous of the leisure life you are leading in San Fran. Tell Megan "hi" and good luck on the move tomorrow.
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