Of course, I need to mention the fabulous hostess that housed us while we stayed planted in Boulder for 6 days: Jenni. As a prologue, I guess I should explain that Jenni was a connection that Robin had through her brother; he had lived with her while he did a program in Miami, Fl, where Jenni used to live. When Robin knew we were going to be staying a few days in Boulder, she contacted Jenni. She was more than happy to put us up--even though we were going to be inhabiting the area for quite some time. Jenni is slightly shorter than Robin:)
The first afternoon that Robin and I arrived in Boulder was nearly comical for the way in which we met Jenni. Jenni is a sexologist who was going to be at work until later in the evening, so Robin and I scoped out a pub and ordered some appetizers and drinks and settled in with our books for a little while.

Soon we got the call that it was time to meet our hostess. We were led to a commercial strip's parking lot. Once there, we were told to wait in the dark lot for Jenni who would arrive via bike. We waited and waited. We went into the dollar store and got some toothpaste, and finally, as we were sketchily loitering around my car, we saw a biker approach us. We waved and Robin called out to her--indeed it was our dear hostess. She met us at the car and was disappointed to find that I did not have a bike rack at the ready. Instead we would follow her to her apartment in the car as she biked. It worked well, for the most part. Unfortunately, the drive to her place was largely a slow incline, which was a workout for her and a particularly slow drive for us. Robin tried to conversate with her along the way, but this only seemed to further her breathlessness from the hill. Jenni was quite the character, and the time spent at her place was mostly enjoyable--except that she has cats (or her roommates do) and Robin and Megan are both quite allergic...suckers. Luckily, by this point in the trip I was accustomed to Robin's morning routine of nasal spray. Some people wake up to birds singing, I would start my morning with some Bino snorts. I have a video that I will have to figure out how to upload...ok, it should appear here:
Hilarious, no? I mean, she's cute even while performing a nasal spray demonstration. Jerry's a lucky guy.
We went out a few times with Jenni and her boyfriend and one night we managed to take some pictures and also put ourselves in some hanging basket holders (?). Robin, of course, looks absolutely adorable:) Megan and I chose more awkward poses...

Aren't these photos just so lovely?!

We also went out on the town with the infamous, I'm sorry, famous Adrienne Tecza. Here, she is pictured riding a mechanical bull. There were also scantily clad women walking around offering Jose Cuervo shots for yelling people. We yelled, we took some shots, AND THEN we got FREE stuff like cool tank tops and wristbands that say Jose Cuervo. Beat that.

Adrienne also convinced these guys to make as though they were kissing her on each cheek, nice trick. This was yet another night out. We went out with Jill Simmerman from UNC Chapel Hill, one of our rivals this year who beat us as we struggled for that second place spot at Regionals, which would advance us to Nationals. Whatevs, they had to get up and warm up and play; we got to sit in the sun and enjoy the scenery:) Oh and in this picture, don't mind that slightly creepy little girl in the front left who was attempting to shoot us with her "gun." That was all part of the Boulder weirdness that was amazing.
1 comment:
ROBIN! I must warn you that IT IS possible to overdose on nose spray. two-sprays per nostril everyday??? i can already tell its having an adverse affect as you seemed to be illiciting symptoms of addiction--aka maniacal giggles as you "shoot up" in the morning.
very disturbing video, pooks. thanks for sharing some of the darker moments of your trip.
nice ascending height order in the photo with jenni, b-t-dubs. just sayin'.
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