It has been quite the first week. I have thoroughly enjoyed my clinic, and I am looking forward to this coming week! I should start treating some patients independently, which will feel good and boost my confidence. I have realized that I really enjoy this method of treating, and I think I need to consider that I may want to become even more immersed and trained in this Institute of Physical Art (IPA) style of treatment. If you are interested in learning more about it, please feel free to read more on their website. I think I have mentioned it before, but this treatment style looks at treating the whole person: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. While we are mostly focused on the physical portions, we take into account the other two components, which can easily manifest physically. When emotions manifest physically as pain, they often will not resolve completely unless the underlying emotional piece is confronted. This can be dealt with by us somewhat, but there is also the recognition that there are other individuals more trained to help patients work through some of their emotions. As for the physical treatment: it is a system that makes a ton of sense to me--and it gets great results! 

All of this is to say that I am now considering a residency guided by an IPA therapist, who is also known as a Certified Functional Manual Therapist (CFMT). The residency will not make me a CFMT, but it will certainly put me on that path. Instead, the residency will offer a year of mentorship while I treat patients and continue learning more--mostly through hands-on practice. In my opinion, this is the best way to learn. (Part of that is just my preference). The residencies are set up all over the United States, and I am considering applying for a residency in the Washington DC area. This comes with some excitement for the rents because it would mean a return to the East Coast for this lady! It's still in the contemplation stages, but I will likely make my contemplations known to the powers-that-be that will match me with a mentor for the residency year. It is also important to consider that the residency locations may or may not have space for me at the moment. We shall see!

Finally, an update for what I am doing with myself on the weekend: yesterday I ventured from my house by foot to a trail to Fish Creek Falls. It was about 2.5 miles to get to the trailhead--an invigorating, mostly uphill walk. Once I reached the trailhead, it was only a short 10 min walk to the falls. As you can see in the photo of me, the falls are currently frozen, but it was quite a scenic area despite that. I did the hike alone, but I ran into some friendly ladies at the overlook who took this photo of me. :)
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